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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Small Business Marketing Tactic: 63% Of Consumers Look To Website For Information!

63% of consumers and small business owners turn to the internet first for information about local companies!

It's TRUE! According to research from Webvisible and Nielsen, reported by Marketing Charts, though 63% of consumers and small business owners turn to the internet first for information about local companies and 82% use search engines to do so, only 44% of small businesses have a website and half spend less than 10% of their marketing budget online.

Give serious thought to providing your customers and potential customers with a website that they may:
- easily navigate
- access the detailed facts about your business offering
- quickly contact you via phone, email or status update using FACEBOOK (yes, seriously!)

Remember, you are not commissioned to be all things to all people. Keep your customers in mind as you create a simply, clean website that provides your customers with the information they need to keep coming back to you!

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