Much deeper than the nonchalant greeting when they enter your door, your consumers welcome personal attention. They hunger for genuine interaction.
What to do?
1. Identify your top-tier of customers
2. Grab your letterhead and a pen.
3. Write these words, "Thank you so much for your business!" & sign it
4. Fold the letter and insert it into an envelope
5. Apply a stamp and mail it.
Yes, I understand these are 5 very basic steps. But still, your efforts to create personal interactions are sure to pleasantly surprise your valued customers while making a significant deposits into their emotional bank accounts.
Other thoughts:
- Send them personalized Christmas cards
(Yes, you must write the greeting.)
- Deliver them birthday/anniversary cards
(They are your customers, so you SHOULD know this information.),
- Call their home and leave them a "Merry Christmas" voicemail message
One of my friends owns and operates his own lawncare business. For Christmas last year, he selected his top 100 customers and sent them a personalized Christmas card along with a gift book "Case For Christmas" by Lee Strobel
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