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Friday, October 30, 2009

Small Business Marketing Tactic: Local-Market Promotions!

Valuable pieces to complete your local-market promotional efforts:
1. Start with your sidewalk. Ask a local artist to provide a nice chalk design on the sidewalk just outside your business dor.
2. Business entrance. Place a greeter just inside your store's entrance. Be sure they are warm & genuinely welcoming to your guests.
3. In-store signage. Create various pieces of marketing collateral and place the pieces throughout your store (hang from the ceiling, position on end cap, cash-wrap at the register, employee apparel, trivia contest, etc)
4. Annual PR event. Take the opportunity to celebrate various milestones with events in your store (business anniversary, community outreach/public service)
5. Use your parking lot to host a live event/concert (There are MANY local artists eager to entertain. Host a community "battle of the bands"!)
6. Community. Host health screenings for your community. Be the "Goodwill" donation drop off site for a day. Partner with Red Cross to host a blood drive. Sponsor a 5K race for charity.

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